Saturday, March 9, 2013

Chop that video!

Have you ever discovered a great YouTube video that you wanted to share with your students? However, the video was 6+ minutes long and the part you wanted your students to see was only 2 minutes. There is a great tool that can "chop" the video and allow you to show only the part you need. No more searching through the video during class to find a particular section. This tool saves valuable instructional time. \
The website is called TubeChop: 

Here is how it works:
Find the video you want to use on YouTube. Below is a video about the Rock Cycle. However, I may only want to show the portion that is about sedimentary rocks. 

 Copy and paste the YouTube URL to the TubeChop website. You can play the video and select start and stop point in the video. 

Use the pink slider bar to choose the start and stop points. 

 Once you have chosen the section you want to use, click "Chop It." 
Then, TubeChop gives you several ways to share your video - a URL, embed code, Facebook, Twitter, etc. 

There you go! TubeChop allows you to customize the video to use only the portion you need

Have you found a great way to edit online videos you use with your students? I would love to hear from you. Share your thoughts in the comment box below. 

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