Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Digital Learning Cohorts - Blogging Together

Welcome to the INFUSE phase of the Digital Learning Cohort!

As part of the INFUSE course this year, we will be blogging about what is happening in the classroom. I am reviving my Techy Teacher blog to participate.

A little bit about me -
I am passionate about using technology as a learning tool with students. I was lucky enough to experience using 1:1 iPads with students as a 3rd grade and 5th grade teacher. As I tell people, having a mobile device for each one of my students changed me as a teacher and changed the way my students learned. More effective and frequent differentiation of instruction was one of the biggest positive effects for my students. The iPad allowed me to more easily address the needs of my students and adjust the content, process and/or products to help them be more successful. Students were empowered due to having access to the technology and began to take more ownership of their learning. This empowerment meant students having more voice and choice about their learning. Designing and implementing authentic assessments was also a natural result of the 1:1 classroom environment.

I am still a teacher at heart. However, I am now working as an Educational Technology Specialist with a mission to help more students get access to technology as a learning tool. I am excited to be a part of the Digital Learning Cohorts in CCSD. I believe the program we have in place is developing teacher leaders in every school that will eventually result in more student-centered learning environments.

As part of the INFUSE DLC course this year, we are asking our teachers to blog about their professional learning and teaching experiences. I will be blogging right along with them.

I look forward to working with the DLC teachers this year!

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