Monday, November 23, 2015

Collaborate with Digital Tools

Sometimes seeing is believing! Classroom teachers provide many opportunities for students to talk and share ideas related to learning activities. It is a great way for students to learn from each other. However, when it is just talking those powerful student thoughts and ideas disappear into thin air. A great way to capture these moments of communication and collaboration can be through digital tools. 

Padlet is a great way to easily share a collaborative digital space with students. Simply create a Padlet, share the link or QR code with your students, and let the collaboration begin. 


There is an iOS app and a Chrome extension, but this is also web-based internet application so downloading an app is not required. It is friendly across many platforms so you don't have to worry about it working with different devices. 

Some ideas for using Padlet in the classroom:

  • Brainstorming 
  • Classifying and categorizing ideas and/or objects 
  • Book talks with other classes 
  • Book reviews
  • Making learning connections to real world problems
  • Sharing resources 
  • Backchannel 

I would love to hear from teachers who are using Padlet in the classroom. If you haven't tried it yet, let me hear how you like it once you do. Please comment below. 

I hope everyone has a restful and happy Thanksgiving Break!