Wednesday, March 28, 2012

iPads make learning fun!

I am the lucky teacher of 28 wonderful, inquisitive, inspiring, eager third graders. My classroom is unique in that each of my students has an ipad to use in the classroom everyday. If you ask any of my students what the best part about having ipads is, they will tell you that it makes learning fun! I hear it everyday. It is music to my ears! 

Using the ipads has changed the way I teach, and I believe changed the way my students learn. I see my students taking ownership of their learning and having great pride in their creations on the ipad. I see more motivation in my students to work hard and participate in learning activities that involve the ipads. 

I will be blogging about what is going on in my classroom with the ipads. I will share what the students are doing as well as how I am incorporating the ipads into the curriculum. 

Stay tuned!